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Industry News
[Chinese version only] |【電子支付】FIS:2025年電子錢包將成香港首選電子商務支付方式 佔電子商務總交易額40%
【電子支付】FIS:2025年電子錢包將成香港首選電子商務支付方式 佔電子商務總交易額40%

Please refer to Chinese version.



根據金融服務支付服務商 FISNYSE: FIS)發布的最新調查報告顯示, 信用卡或簽賬卡在今年仍然是港人的首選網上購物支付方式,佔電子商務總交易額的43%。然而,至 2025 年,電子錢包將會取代信用卡或簽賬卡,成為香港領先的電子商務支付方式。

Worldpay from FIS 香港支付服務發言人蘇鈞濠表示,傳統和新興支付方式的競爭,使香港的支付方式日趨多元化。在疫情下,本港消費者渴望獲得方便、快捷的購物體驗,對電子支付的整體需求持續上升。 政府去年發放電子消費券亦加快了電子支付在港的應用。儘管如此,信用卡的地位仍然屹立不倒,作為電子錢包充值的主要資金來源之一,信用卡將繼續滲透市場。展望未來,商家需要力求創新,並與領先技術供應商合作以滿足現代消費者多元化的需求。

在香港電子商務支付趨勢方面,報告指,香港電子商務市場預計在 2021 年至 2025 年間增長 46%,市場價值高達 312 億美元。而按總交易額計算,2021 年首選電子商務支付方式最多是佔43%的信用卡或簽賬卡,緊接是佔33%的電子錢包,第三位是佔11%的銀行轉賬。報告又預計至 2025 年,電子錢包將取代信用卡或簽賬卡,成為香港首選的網上購物支付方式,佔電子商務總交易額的 40%,而信用卡則佔 37%。除此之外,先買後付在本地的接受程度將會愈來愈高,至 2025 年,先買後付將成為增長最快的網上購物支付方式,其複合年均增長率達到 59%,預計其增長速度將力壓其他支付方式。

在香港店內消費銷售點支付趨勢方面,報告顯示,2021 年現金使用略見回彈後,預計於 2022年重新下跌,至 2025 年僅佔店內消費總交易額的 7% 而在 2021 年,信用卡或簽賬卡付款仍然是香港人於店內消費的首選,佔總交易額的55%,此趨勢將保持到 2025 年,預計佔總交易額的 50%。與此同時,手機錢包將成為香港增長最快的店內消費支付方式,預計手機錢包將於 2025 年佔總交易額 36%,其複合年均增長率達到 16%




Industry News
[Chinese version only] |【財政預算案2022】電子消費券每人再派1萬元共涉660億 4月先派5000元、年中派第二期 第二期可轉電子支付工具
【財政預算案2022】電子消費券每人再派1萬元共涉660億 4月先派5000元、年中派第二期 第二期可轉電子支付工具

Please refer to Chinese version.















AlipayHKWeChat PayHK 歡迎措施 未知詳情


WeChat Pay HK也聲明支持政府再次推出消費券計劃,將共同提振疫情下經濟復甦和電子支付發展,但須待政府相關部門公布。


AlipayHKWeChat Pay HK近期已宣布,分別從2月、1月起豁免中小商戶全部交易手續費。八達通此前稱,2021年申請使用商用版八達通App的中小商戶,八達通將會延長豁免轉賬費用直至20226月底;新商戶則由其開戶的月份起獲豁免6個月銀行轉賬費用。


資料來源: 香港經濟日報


Industry News
[Chinese version only] | Visa聚焦2022五大支付趨勢 感應支付、先買後付繼續夯
Visa聚焦2022五大支付趨勢 感應支付、先買後付繼續夯

Please refer to Chinese version.






趨勢一,感應支付興起;即便許多商務場景在過去幾年已轉往線上,人們仍會在實體通路消費。全球超過七成的實體交易皆為感應支付,超過70個國家與地區的感應支付滲透率高於五成。Visa最新「消費者支付態度調查3.0」顯示,感應支付在台灣和香港最受消費者愛用,在台灣有超過五成消費者表示愛用,包含感應式卡片及感應式行動支付。Visa預期這個趨勢將持續成長,因社交距離等防疫規定,消費者仍有零接觸、感應交易的需求。同時商家部署也已十分完善,超過 75% 的線下交易皆發生在支援零接觸交易的店家。




中小企業和商家對電子商務需求的成長,為推動安全、快速的數位支付提供助力 ;新的支付型態與網路也逐漸產生與拓展;金融科技新創也正積極開發可能重塑跨境金流的解決方案。隨著即時支付、透明度和可追蹤性被優化及整體消費者支付體驗現代化,Visa也預期將有更多優化現有B2B金流的需求。



如同 B2B 支付消費化、金融機構推出符合消費者對數位資產興趣的服務、及從消費者需求衍生的先買後付等前幾項趨勢,開放銀行同樣強調「聚焦消費者需求」,讓消費者再次掌握資訊與決策權,最終目標是讓消費者的金融生活更可靠、安全、簡單,並讓金融科技新創一同參與共創。


資料來源: 聯合新聞網


Industry News
13 Effective Ways To Improve And Expand Digital Payment Methods
[English version only] | 13 Effective Ways To Improve And Expand Digital Payment Methods

[Industry News (Repost)]

Digital payment technology has made it possible for anyone with a smart device to conduct transactions easily and securely, both in person and online. Both companies and consumers are embracing digital payments as a fast, reliable and contactless way to exchange money, but there are still innovations and improvements to be made.

If your business is considering adopting digital payment methods, it’s important to understand where they’re currently at and how they can be made more effective. Below, 13 Forbes Technology Council members offer insights on optimizing this popular transaction technology.


1. Be Open To New Technologies

Digital payment methods are positioned to be a major influence on the economic prosperity of many third-world and first-world countries, impacting everything from remittances to transferring funds via cryptocurrency backed by blockchain technology. Already, countries such as Ukraine, El Salvador and others have adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, signifying the growing adoption of this new technology. - Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media LLC


2. Provide Incentives For Use

Digital payments are highly platform-dependent, often not supported by merchants’ point of sale systems and expensive in comparison to cash. For more mainstream adoption, the value must be delivered to consumers (resulting in better purchasing power); this would drive the merchant’s or platform’s interest in supporting digital payments. Techniques similar to credit card “cash back” incentives could be applied to the merchant or P2P platforms. - Chitra Sivanandam, Reinventing Geospatial, Inc. (RGi)


3. Cater To Those With Disabilities

Digital payment methods for people with disabilities fail at checkout. Online shopping carts rarely function smoothly (if at all) for people using screen readers. The complexity of the process is often a critical issue for people with cognitive and mobility impairments. Simplifying the checkout process would eliminate these challenges faced by so many and bring another billion consumers online. - Lionel Wolberger, UserWay Inc.


4. Expand The Types Of Transactions

I believe digital payments should start expanding to more complex transactions that include financing and insurance. For example, rather than have customers simply pay for a product, merchants could offer a loan or spread the payments over a longer period. Furthermore, digital payments should be embedded in more devices—your kitchen or office appliances could order supplies for themselves. - Eliron Ekstein, Ravin AI Limited


5. Implement Identity Management And Encryption

It’s essential to ensure the security of customer data in each and every transaction. As more payments are transacted digitally, organizations will face improved attacker techniques, no matter the physical location of the customer. To make it more difficult for hackers to access customer payment data, implementing identity management and encryption is vitally important on every payment transaction, big or small. - Todd Moore, Thales Group


6. Create A Faster User Experience

Digital B2B payments have an astounding potential to save businesses money and improve efficiency and cash flow. Frictionless onboarding for businesses and immediate access to funds via virtual cards and mobile wallets will make digital payments easier and drive greater adoption. It’s not just about simplifying the transaction; it’s also about creating a fast, easy and secure user experience. - Derek White, Galileo Financial Technologies


7. Include Digital Payment Services In Social Platforms

Digital payments are revolutionizing consumer behavior and improving the consumer experience. One such way is the integration of digital payments in chat applications such as WhatsApp, WeChat and Snapchat as well as in social media platforms such as Instagram. One of the largest retailers in India is offering its services and products via WhatsApp, and payments are made using digital methods. - Vasudevan Sundarababu, Pactera Edge


8. Integrate The Payment Value Chain

Digital payments can be much cheaper, faster and easier if a company can vertically integrate all stakeholders in a payment’s value chain. Instead of having separate merchant acquirers, networks, issuers, fraud engines and so on, a single company could merge them all and create rails of its own. This could give back interchange to merchants, provide greater rewards to customers, increase authority and reduce fraud. - Roy Andrew Ng, Bond


9. Support Global Standardization

Global interoperability and standardization are key in digital payments, especially across borders. They would reduce friction and increase the ease of transactions and commercial relationships. They would also create flexibility in the workforce and supply chain. In the end, commerce would be significantly more efficient and streamlined. - Olga V. Mack, Parley Pro


10. Add Additional Layers Of Security

Digital payments are incredibly convenient and have become critical to the economy over the past two years. But they open consumers up to potential privacy and security risks. With the introduction of features such as credit card masking, which creates temporary, single-use credit card numbers, consumers can continue to reap the benefits of digital payments with dramatically reduced risk. - Hari Ravichandran, Aura™


11. Combine The Checkout And Buying Experience

Digital payments can be made more effective by embedding the checkout experience on the same page as the buying experience. Do not redirect the consumer to another payment or checkout page after they’ve selected the product(s) or service(s) they want to purchase; instead, allow payment transactions to take place on the same page. Fewer clicks and redirects equal higher conversions. - Steven Khuong, Curacubby


12. Decentralize Payments

Detach the reader from the pin pad. It should be possible to pay anywhere in a venue without the need for a full-fledged pin pad. Imagine restaurants with readers at each table or movie theaters with one at each chair. This would allow for immediate payment and decision-making beyond the POS. Cash wraps continue to plague the forward momentum of retailers. Decentralizing payments will be key! - Tom Roberto, Core Technology Solutions


13. Incorporate Biometric Authentication

One way digital payments might be made more effective is by incorporating biometric authentication. This would mean that, in order to make a payment, the consumer would need to scan their fingerprint or use some other form of biometric identification. This would add an extra layer of security to the transaction and help to ensure that only the authorized user is able to make a payment. - John Giordani, NCHENG LLP


Source: Forbes

Please refer to English version.


Industry News
Visa Study: Small Businesses Optimistic, Looking to Digital Payments for Growth in New Year
[只限英文版本] | Visa Study: Small Businesses Optimistic, Looking to Digital Payments for Growth in New Year

[Industry News (Repost)]


  • The 6th edition of Visa’s Global Back to Business study finds that 73% of small businesses surveyed1 said accepting new forms of digital payments is fundamental to growth in 2022
  • 59% of small businesses surveyed said they already are, or plan to, use only digital payments within the next two years – largely in step with 41% of consumers surveyed who said the same
  • 90% of small businesses surveyed with an online presence said they attributed pandemic survival to increased efforts to sell online


SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 12, 2022-- As Visa (NYSE: V) continues toward its goal of digitally-enabling 50 million small and micro businesses (SMBs), a new research study released today – the “Visa Global Back to Business Study – 2022 SMB Outlook” – found that 90% of surveyed SMBs said they are optimistic about the future of their businesses, the highest level of optimism in Visa Global Back to Business studies to-date. While wiping down groceries and quarantining mail might be bygones of an earlier pandemic era, some changes – such as increased use of digital payments – are here to stay: 82% of SMBs surveyed said they will accept digital options in 2022 and nearly half (46%) of consumers surveyed2 expect to use digital payments more often in 2022, with just 4% saying they will use them less.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220112005380/en/

“Payments are no longer about simply completing a sale. It’s about creating a simple and secure experience that reflects one’s brand across channels and provides utility to both the business and its customer,” said Jeni Mundy, Global Head Merchant Sales & Acquiring, Visa. “The digital capabilities that small businesses built up during the pandemic – from contactless to e-commerce – helped them pivot and survive and, by continuing to build on this foundation, can now help them find new growth and thrive.”

According to this year’s study, which surveyed small business owners and consumers in nine markets – Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and United States – the consensus outlook for 2022 is one of optimism and intent to digitize even more:


The Path Forward in 2022 for SMBs

  • 2022 Ushers in Optimism and Confidence: Building on the 90% of SMBs surveyed who are optimistic about their future, 54% viewed the last year as an opportunity and report their business is doing well heading into the new year, up from 46% who said the same during summer 2021.3
  • Going Long on Digital Payments – Even Crypto: An overwhelming 82% of SMBs surveyed said they plan to accept some form of digital option in 2022 and 73% see accepting new forms of payments as fundamental to their business growth. Of those surveyed, 24% said they plan to accept digital currencies such as the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
  • E-commerce Buoyed Businesses: Of small businesses surveyed with an online presence, 90% agreed their survival through the pandemic was due to increased efforts to sell via e-commerce, and reported that, on average, over half of their revenue (52%) came from online channels in the last three months.
  • Leaving the Change: A majority of SMB respondents expect their business to shift to relying exclusively on digital payments in the future. While 64% of survey respondents anticipate being able to make this shift within 10 years, 41% say it could be within the next two years—and 18% are cashless already.


Consumers Set the Tone in 2022

  • Accelerating Toward a Digital Future: More than half of consumers surveyed (53%) responded they expect to shift to being cashless within the next 10 years, 25% said it will happen in the next two years and 16% are already using only digital payments. The top benefits for relying more on digital payments amongst surveyed consumers were easier online shopping (47%), followed by less risk of robbery (38%) and convenience (37%).
  • Abandoned Shopping Carts In-Real-Life (IRL): The failure to offer digital payment is frequently a dealbreaker – 41% of consumers surveyed said they have abandoned a purchase in a physical store because digital payments were not accepted, and younger shoppers are even more likely to do so. Gen Z (59%) and Millennials (55%) have not bought something because there was no way to pay digitally, significantly more than Gen X (38%) or Boomers (19%).
  • Consumers Embrace the Global Marketplace: As small businesses look to reach more customers online, 50% plan to increase cross-border sales in 2022. On average, 68% of consumers responded they are comfortable buying items or services from a business in another country or territory. Of those who are not completely comfortable, 57% cited that fraud protection typically offered by their credit or debit card provider, such as Visa's Zero Liability Policy, makes them more comfortable with international commerce.


Digitally-Enabling 50 Million Small Businesses

Since the start of the pandemic, Visa has launched a variety of community-based programs to help more small businesses accept digital payments and gain greater access to the digital economy. As part of this ongoing commitment, Visa today also announced it has helped to digitally-enable 24.8 million SMBs worldwide, or 50% of the multi-year goal it set in 2020 to digitize 50 million SMBs.

Throughout 2022, Visa will continue to provide resources that support small businesses, such as the $1 million Grants for Growth program announced earlier this week with Uber and Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC). Through Grants for Growth, 100 merchants will receive grants of $10,000, disaster recovery and resiliency guides from Uber and LISC, and placement in the Uber Eats app. Grants for Growth will be supported and managed by LISC and focuses on local Uber Eats restaurants in 10 cities: Atlanta, Boston Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, New York/New Jersey, Philadelphia, San Francisco Bay Area and Washington D.C. For more information on how to apply for Grants for Growth, please visit lisc.org/uber.

More information on the programs Visa has made available to small and micro businesses can also be found on the Visa Small Business Hub and the Visa Small Business COVID-19 support site.


Methodology: Visa Back to Business Study
The Visa Back to Business Study was conducted by Wakefield Research in December 2021 and surveyed 2,250 small business owners with 100 employees or fewer in Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and United States. The consumer section surveyed 1,000 adults ages 18+ in the United States, and 500 adults ages 18+ in Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, Singapore and United Arab Emirates.


Source: Visa

Please refer to English version.


Industry News
[Chinese version only] | 【業界資訊(轉載)】Visa調查:港人最常用支付卡 小金額更傾向無現金交易
Visa調查:港人最常用支付卡 小金額更傾向無現金交易

Please refer to Chinese version.



電子支付愈來愈普遍,最新調查發現,有近7成受訪者曾於 2021 年嘗試無現金支付。在香港,支付卡成為最常用的支付方式,使用率高達93%

Visa公布最新調查《Visa 消費者支付取態研究 3.0》,研究香港、澳門及台灣消費者的偏好及新興趨勢。香港與台灣的情況相似,支付卡(信用卡/扣賬卡)為最常用的支付方式,使用率分別高達 93% 99%

隨著電子付款日漸普及,Visa調查認為港澳兩地正過渡至無現金社會。有4成港澳受訪者預計,其城市將於未來4年內成為無現金社會。66%的香港受訪者表示,愈趨傾向在較小金額 (低至港幣 100 元) 的交易中以無現金支付,比例較2019年的56%增加


折扣具吸引力 更常用無現金支付

同時,有接近4成的香港受訪者希望在未來 12 個月內更常使用無現金支付,主要由於獎賞及折扣具吸引力(54%)、更衛生(52%)及交易更快捷(48%)。本地大部分受訪者表示,無現金社會的最大好處是可輕鬆追蹤財務紀錄(47%)、環保(42%)及更衛生(42%)。




除了電子支付外,新興的支付趨勢及科技亦不斷湧現,以滿足消費者不斷變化的需求。調查發現有高達9成港人參與客戶忠誠及獎賞計劃,當中包括集合多個品牌的消費獎賞計劃平台,其次是電子錢包 及信用卡/扣賬卡支付品牌。而且,有至少7成消費者更喜歡以電子方式及網上途徑兌換獎賞,例如透過應用程式掌握其獎賞狀況。「先買後付」平台正興起,但仍在萌芽發展階段,香港僅得9%受訪者曾使用先買後付。


資料來源: HKET


Industry News
59% of CFOs Say Payments Digitization Is Key to a Healthy Balance Sheet
[English version only] | 59% of CFOs Say Payments Digitization Is Key to a Healthy Balance Sheet

[Industry News (Repost)]


Chief financial officers (CFOs) are investing in payments digitization because they believe it is integral to building and keeping healthy balance sheets. For different CFOs, that may mean greater working capital, streamlined accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) processes, or improved customer and partner satisfaction. 

In fact, 59% of CFOs say payments digitization is key to a healthy balance sheet, according to the Business Payments Digitization report, a PYMNTS and Corcentric collaboration based on a survey of 400 CFOs. 

Get the report: Business Payments Digitization: A Path to a Better Balance Sheet

The larger the firm, the more likely its CEO is to say that they consider digitization to be “very” or “extremely” important to improving balance sheets. Among the smallest firms included in the survey — those with revenue between $400 million and $750 million — 50% of the CEOs said digitization is key. Among the largest firms — those with revenue between $1.5 billion and $2 billion — 74% of the CEOs place that much importance on digitization.


Optimizing AR and AP Processes 

Among the factors contributing to those healthy balance sheets are greater working capital, streamlined AR and AP processes, and improved customer and partner satisfaction, CFOs said. 

Having optimized AR and AP processes is the first and most important component of a healthy balance sheet, according to the CFOs, with 96% of them believing that AR and AP optimization is “very” or “extremely” important to keeping their balance sheets healthy. It follows that these firms would also emphasize the importance of digitization, which can help accelerate and streamline inbound and outbound payment flows. 

Asset investments and sources of capital or working capital are also widely considered to be key components of healthy balance sheets. Ninety percent of CFOs see asset investment as critical, while 53% say the same of working capital. Working capital is especially important to larger firms. Sixty-one percent of CFOs at the largest firms said that boosting working capital is critical to maintaining healthy balance sheets, compared to 46% of those at the smallest firms. 

An enhanced ability to attract and retain customers is another one of the CFOs’ top reasons for fast-tracking digitization. Thirty-six percent of the CFOs surveyed said that is a reason for accelerating their payments digitization efforts. 


Citing 4.5 Reasons for Fast-Tracking Digitization 

There is no single reason explaining firms’ drive to digitize. Countless interlocking factors have pushed digitization ahead, with CFOs reporting many ways that digitization could improve their businesses. CFOs cited an average of 4.5 reasons that they fast-tracked digitization, ranging from meeting supplier expectations to enhancing payment security and improving communication with vendors. 

With these many benefits, it’s no wonder that 71% of CFOs have increased their use of digital payments since the pandemic’s onset. Nearly all firms included in the survey reported that they are making and receiving payments via cash or checks less often and receiving digital payments more often than they were before March 2020. 

Among the payment types that have seen the biggest uptick in usage are credit card-enabled digital payments ( up 85%), direct deposit (up 71%) and PayPal (up 62%).


Source: PYMNTS

Please refer to English version.


Industry News
[Chinese version only] 疫情催谷非接觸式支付普及

Please refer to Chinese version.





Visa藉「Tap to Phone」方案助中小企


新冠疫情大幅改變了人類的生活模式,民眾對於觸摸物品表面和使用現金的衛生擔憂日益加劇,加上安全社交距離和消費者購物習慣的轉變,促使利用近距離無線通訊技術(NFC)的無接觸式支付(Contactless Payments)得到了迅速的普及。惟傳統刷終端機租借及維修費用昂貴,而且又無法移動,阻礙小型商家接受信用卡交易的意願。Visa也瞄準零接觸商機,力拓「Tap to Phone」方案,鼓勵中小企利用手機即可進行交易。

Visa香港及澳門區董事總經理史美琪(Maaike Steinebach)今(10日)出席傳媒簡報會時提到,近日電子消費券推出,的確大力推動電子支付發展。而在疫情爆發後,港人對衛生要求大幅提升,因此大多消費者結帳時,均開始選擇無接觸式支付。她引述Visa安全網絡(VisaNet)第三季數據指,現時香港每5個Visa實體交易中,便有4個是以感應式進行,高於去年同期可比數據10個百分點。


Visa香港、澳門和台灣地區產品部副總經理鍾德怡就表示,該企理解中小型商戶所面對的困難,要他們安裝設備的費用及行政成本或會令他們卻步。因此Visa近年積極推出不同方案,如「Tap to Phone」以手機來進行感應式收款方式。


毋需另設「卡機」 控制成本

Tap to Phone將手機變為收款終端機,商家可在具有NFC功能的Android手機上,下載與啟用指定相應的手機感應收款應用程式。消費者就可在商家的Android設備上輕拍感應式卡,或任何啟用NFC功能的手機、佩戴式設備(包括:Apple Pay、Samsung Pay)等方式,即可進行交易,無需再另設傳統「卡機」。另值得一提的是,鑑於​​蘋果(Apple)嚴格限制iPhone內建NFC芯片存取功能,因此商家暫時只能使用Android設備收款,但消費者使用iOS裝置付款則未有受到影響。


鍾德怡補充,對於許多行業來說,可直接利用手機進行交易絕對會更為方便,她舉例指:「除了小商戶可使用外,的士司機、保險從業員這些需要移動的工作者,要他們攜帶終端機太不方便,Tap to Phone只需要一部手機,輕便得多。」鍾德怡又稱,Visa未來也將會夥拍其他金融科技企業,推出更多服務,但目前未能透露更多。

惟市面上有許多類似的無接觸式收款途徑,如二維碼(QR code)支付,Tap to Phone又有什麼可取之處?鍾德怡笑言,Tap to Phone最主要是可以為商家提供更多選擇,「加上港人都追求快捷,習慣直接拍卡或拍電話,掃描QR code還需要打開電話。」

另外,鍾德怡也指出,相對QR code,Tap to Phone的安全性較高。例如QR code有機會出現錯誤,甚至有不肖人士趁此賺取不義之財,偷換QR Code詐取錢財。Tap to Phone則是直接拍落商戶手機,而且交易採用安全加密機制,商家無法接觸與存取信用卡資料,確保消費者交易安全。所以該企也鼓勵中小企,可多應用相關方案。


夥電商平台 推電子商務新手包

另外,Visa也將透過其諮詢服務及解決方案,例如Visa Business Credit Score及Visa Spend Clarity,幫助銀行優化中小企業客戶開戶流程、強化審核決策並提供更佳的體驗,例如發行電子支付卡。 同時,Visa亦透過與本地及區域性電商平台合作推出電子商務新手包 (eCommerce Starter Pack),以提供會員補貼及數碼營銷支援等舉措,繼續幫助更多小型企業開拓線上銷售業務。


資料來源: hket



KPay serves more than 8,000 merchants in its first year of business
創新一站式綜合支付解決方案服務供應商KPay投入市場僅一年 憑超強技術支援吸引逾8,000家中小企業商戶採用

Small and medium merchants attracted to the innovative one-stop integrated payment solution service provider thanks to its strong technical support


(Hong Kong, 16 December 2021) Established in Hong Kong at the end of 2020, fintech start-up KPay has broken the industry record among local comprehensive payment solution service providers in just one year by providing more than 8,000 local small and medium merchants with comprehensive and advanced offline payment and settlement services. With its business growing tremendously, the company has been invited to be one of the main sponsors of this year’s "Winter Wonderland" and to become the designated electronic payment provider for this large-scale event.


Smart POS terminals are widely used, allowing merchants to make smooth transactions

KPay supports a variety of payment methods, including scanning or displaying a QR Code, tapping or inserting a card, and contactless NFC. The payment services provided by KPay include terminals and settlement platforms, all of which have obtained the relevant certifications and are subject to the relevant regulatory authorities, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, EMV certification, Visa payWave, Mastercard PayPass certification and UnionPay card acceptance terminal certification, enabling merchants and consumers to complete transactions with peace of mind.


In addition, the one-stop KPay smart POS terminal can receive up to 12 major payment channels, including Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, JCB, AlipayHK, Alipay, WeChat Pay (Hong Kong and China Wallets), Cloud Quick Pass, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. It has been advancing alongside small and medium-sized merchants in the era of electronic payment, and provides a resolution to the cumbersome payment and settlement processes of the past with its professional and reliable services.


Moreover, the KPay smart POS terminal allows merchants to process transactions with a SIM card or indoor WIFI connection according to their needs. It, therefore, does not require a fixed location, so merchants can enjoy greater flexibility in their store layout and smoother payment experiences.


Business results outperform industry peers in less than a year in business

KPay currently has a broad customer base drawn from the catering, retail, medical and service industries. The company also has an accomplished and experienced customer service and sales team, providing customers with prompt and accurate local after-sales services, including installation, technical support and training, so that merchants can focus on business development and explore more business opportunities with peace of mind.


Mr. Daniel Cheung, Co-founder of KPay, said, "KPay's electronic payment service was launched into the market less than a year ago. Since then, we have attracted more than 8,000 small and medium-sized enterprises and merchants by riding on the consumption fever sparked by the consumption voucher scheme. KPay understands the needs of customers for one-stop payment solutions. With a strong and solid product and business development team and technical support, diversified payment solutions, data security and efficient transaction management, KPay ensures that its customers payment collection process is smooth and easy, allowing them to achieve profit goals more effectively."


Given its technological advantages, KPay has become one of the major sponsors of this year’s winter carnival in Hong Kong - "Winter Wonderland" (URL: winterwonderland.hk), providing electronic payment services for the merchants and game booths participating in the event, so that visitors can use credit cards or e-wallets to play games and make purchases at the venue. KPay will also distribute event tickets through its Facebook page. For details, please visit https://www.facebook.com/kpaygroup/.


Explore new markets and develop more innovative and convenient trading functions

Looking ahead, KPay will continue to focus on serving the Hong Kong market while also realizing its potential in the Asia-Pacific region. Guided by the three principles of "Pay it Easy", "Pay it Smart" and "Pay it Swift", the company will develop and launch more online payment solutions and add more innovative functions that provide greater convenience to merchants. These will include diversified SaaS products such as catering pre-orders, inventory management software and membership management systems, with the overall aim of creating a quality business environment for all industries and business sizes.


About KPay

KPay is a financial technology (fintech) company focusing on integrated business solutions. It uses professional and innovative products to enhance the market competitiveness of medium, small and micro enterprises.

KPay's business covers online and offline fintech services, including electronic payment platforms and products boasting high levels of customer loyalty. With a professional technical development team, the company strives to improve the functionality of merchants’ products based on their needs, so as to help maximize their profits. KPay keeps abreast of the market trends in various regions, and its experienced sales and after-sales teams respond quickly to provide merchants with appropriate business logistics support. Thus, medium, small and micro enterprises from all industries can realise smoother strategic operations and KPay can fulfill its vision of "building a mutually beneficial and complementary e-finance ecological environment”.

KPay Merchant Service Limited was established in July 2020 with headquarters in Hong Kong, China. It began to provide its services to the market at the beginning of 2021 and will gradually expand to major cities around the world.


For more information about KPay, please visit the Company's website: kpay-group.com

(2021年12月16日,香港訊) 金融科技初創公司KPay於2020年底在香港成立,短短約一年已打破本地綜合性支付解決方案服務供應商的行業紀錄,為逾8,000家本地中小企業商戶提供完善和先進的線下收款及結算服務,業務發展相當卓越;更獲邀為今屆「冬季奇幻國度Winter Wonderland」的主要贊助商之一,成為該項大型活動的指定電子支付服務供應商。


智能POS收款機廣泛通用 讓商戶交易支付暢通無阻

KPay支援多種收款模式,包括掃描或顯示二維碼 (QR Code)、拍卡收款、插卡收款及手機NFC感應式收款。KPay提供的收款服務包括終端機及結算平台,均取得各項相關認證及受有關監管機構約束,包括PCI DSS 支付產業數據安全標準、EMV認證、Visa payWave、Mastercard PayPass認證及銀聯卡受理終端產品認證,讓商戶及消費者均能安心交易。


此外,一站式的KPay智能POS收款機可一機收取多達12個主要支付渠道,包括Visa、Mastercard、銀聯、JCB、AlipayHK、支付寶、微信支付 (香港和中國錢包)、雲閃付、Apple Pay、Google Pay及Samsung Pay,與中小商戶於電子支付年代中與時並進,並以專業可靠的服務解決以往繁瑣的收款及結算流程。




創立不足一年 業務成績傲視同儕



KPay 聯合創辦人章小健表示:「KPay電子支付服務推出市場不足一年,藉著早前電子消費券熱潮我們在市場上迅速吸納逾8,000家中小企業商戶採用。KPay深諳客戶對一站式支付方案的需求,憑強大且紮實的產品及業務的開發團隊和技術支援、多元化支付方案、數據安全保障以及高效率的交易管理,確保客戶的收款過程輕鬆無阻,從而更有效地實現盈利目標。」


KPay更憑藉技術優勢成為今年香港冬日嘉年華—— 「冬季奇幻國度Winter Wonderland」(網址:winterwonderland.hk) 的主要贊助商之一,為場內參與活動的商戶品牌及遊戲攤位提供電子支付服務,以便到訪人士可利用信用卡或電子錢包等參與遊戲及場內消費。此外,KPay透過旗下Facebook專頁派發活動入場券,詳情請瀏覽 https://www.facebook.com/kpaygroup/


未來開拓更多新市場 研發更多創意便利交易新功能

展望未來,KPay將繼續專注服務香港市場,亦蓄勢待發於亞太地區大展拳腳;本著"Pay it Easy"、"Pay it Smart"及"Pay it Swift"三大原則,公司將研發及推出更多在線支付解決方案,及增加更多具創意且能實際便利商戶的嶄新功能,例如餐飲預購、庫存管理軟件及會員管理系統等多元化的SaaS產品,務求為各行各業締造優質的營商環境。



KPay 是一家專注於綜合商務解決方案的金融科技公司,利用專業而創新的產品為中小微企業提升市場競爭力。


KPay Merchant Service Limited成立於2020年7月,總部位於中國香港,至2021年初全面投入市場服務,並將逐步推進至全球各個主要城市。

