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One-stop Merchant Operation and Management Platform 一站式的商家運營管理中心

What is KConnect? 甚麼是KConnect?

KConnect serves as a one-stop service platform that enables SME merchants to manage their core business operations.
With the three fundamental principles: Co-sharing, Co-creating and Co-building, it accelerates business growth of platform partners through sharing of exclusive business resources, growth opportunities, greater exposure and more benefits within the KConnect Ecosystem.
KConnect 是一個專為商戶而設的一站式管理平台,結合各大軟件即服務(SaaS)的合作夥伴,提供集中管理業務的專屬方案,助商戶制定業務策略。透過共同分享、共同創造、共同建設,提升商戶及合作夥伴的業務效益,為企業對企業(B2B) 及企業對消費者(B2C) 的公司帶來多贏局面,滿足雙方業務上的拓展需求。

KConnect ecosystem KConnect生態圈

KConnect, an open-loop ecosystem, provides merchants a diverse range of value-added services. The platform standardizes complex operational data which enable merchants to strategize business plans swiftly and effectively. 透過KConnect的開放式生態系統,推薦更多元廣泛的增值服務給商戶,同時整合複雜的營運數據,助商戶更易制定業務策略。


Online payment gateway
Offline payment gateway


KOL marketing
Social channels promotion
CRM & loyalty program


O2O channel management
Order & Inventory management
Staff & payroll management


Data analysis & dashboard overview
Financing and capital lending
Consultation & advisory

Why KConnect? How does it help your business? 為何選擇KConnect?

Quick access to multiple SaaS platform

  • Simplified log-in process and time to enhance business efficiency, reduce operation and management burdens, as well as synchronize online & offline business data.

Simplify and standardize the data management

  • User friendly UI offers convenient data management, improve the operational efficiency and reduce operation burdens

Perform fast response with valuable insight

  • Real-time business data allows merchants act fast to certain events, analyse customers preference, predict trends and customise accurate strategy for business plans and expansion.

Maximise value

  • A tailored business solution for SMEs to co-solve pain-points in B2B service R&D, delivery and solution integration

Locate right customers

  • Connecting to thousands of SMEs to scale business, increase market share.

Cost saving

  • Spend less on system maintenance, more on product innovations

Sharing technology and infrastructure in KConnect ecosystem for B2B & B2C company

  • Build and maintain an end-to-end ecosystem to facilitate interactions between merchants and SaaS partners, to create more value for all parties.


  • 一鍵開通及登入不同軟件即服務系統,有助企業減少開發及轉換成本,同時加強企業系統間的兼容性,完善線上線下數據統一性,令企業可以更專注於業務拓展與創新。


  • 透過KConnect簡單易用的操作介面,方便商戶綜合管理業務資訊及數據 ,提升營運效益及改善規劃工作程序,有助企業數據庫及營運流程標準化。


  • 準確顯示業務營運及銷售的實時數據,協助企業觀察及分析營運狀況,為未來業務拓展制定最佳策略。


  • 利用平台資源共同創造滿足商業客戶需求的方案,共同解決產品研發、服務和方案痛點,提高商業客戶的品牌認知及用戶體驗。


  • 加快業務轉化及拓展不同市場的客源,增加市場佔有率。


  • 利用平台資源降低系統維護及開拓客源之成本,專注投放更多資源加強產品創新及質素。

攜手推進並建設B2B及B2C 的數碼生態圈

  • 利用平台互助互補,加速市場運用數碼科技,擴大香港數碼生態圈。

Use Cases 應用行業參考

Retail 零售

Incorporate online sales channel helps to increase sales and exposures with the use of marketing platforms. 加設線上銷售渠道提升銷售額,同時善用市場推廣平台加強曝光。

KPay KPay
Payment Solutions 一站式收款方案
Storeberry Storeberry
Omni-channel Retail Platform 全渠道零售開店平台
Partipost Partipost
Influencer Marketing Platform 社群行銷平台
Binery Binery
Financial & Accounting Platform 財務管理及會計系統

F&B 餐飲

Integrate the ordering system, CRM and marketing tools into KConnect platform to simplify business operations. 匯聚餐廳所需的點餐系統、會員管理及市場推廣到KConnect平台統一管理,減少營運的繁複性。

KPay KPay
Payment Solutions 一站式收款方案
Gingersoft Gingersoft
F&B POS System 餐飲管理系統
Juicy App Juicy App
CRM Tools 電子會員卡
Try.Eat! Try.Eat!
KOL Marketing Platform KOL網紅配對平台

Beauty & Professional Service 美容及專業服務

Optimize manpower and resources allocation, drive customer loyalty with booking system and CRM tools on KConnect. 採用數碼化管理預約系統及會員制度,不但精確掌握人手及資源分配,更有效提升顧客忠誠度。

KPay KPay
Payment Solutions 一站式收款方案
DkDoo DkDoo
Beauty POS System 美容管理系統
Juicy App Juicy App
CRM Tools 電子會員卡
Partipost Partipost
Influencer Marketing Platform 社群行銷平台

The above use cases are for reference only 以上應用方案只供參考

Our partners 合作夥伴

FAQ 常見問題

What is SaaS? 甚麼是SaaS?
Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to use software applications on the internet.
SaaS provide a comprehensive software solution that users can subscribe the software based on their business developments and needs. The service provider manages the development and maintenance costs of hardware and software, and ensures the security of the application and data as well. Therefore, merchants could get quickly up and running with an app at minimal upfront cost.
KConnect serves as a one-stop service platform that enables SME merchants to manage their core business operations with SaaS.
SaaS全稱為Software as a service(軟件即服務),用戶可透過連接互聯網使用的應用程式。
What is KConnect? How does it help my business grow? KConnect是甚麽?怎樣為我的業務提供幫助?
KConnect is a platform that allows SME merchants to access, review and manage comprehensive data from different SaaS application, including payment, omni-channel marketing, accounting, customer relationship management, inventory management, ordering system and other business tools.
With KConnect, merchants could quickly access to multiple SaaS platform, perform fast response with valuable insight.
How many SaaS companies are connected to KConnect? KConnect現時有連接哪幾個軟件即服務(SaaS)供應商?
There are several SaaS companies are connected to KConnect, including payment service, omni-channel marketing, human resources management, customer relationship management (CRM), ordering & POS systems.
More SaaS companies will be available on the KConnect platform to provide a comprehensive business solutions for merchants.
Do I need to apply for all SaaS on KConnect? 我需要同時間申請所有軟件即服務(SaaS)嗎?
You do not need to apply for them all at once. You can apply to add extra SaaS whenever needed. 商戶不需要同一時間申請所有軟件即服務(SaaS),你可以按業務發展需要隨時申請添加額外的軟件即服務(SaaS)到KConnect平台。
How KConnect charge the fees? KConnect 的收費模式?
Merchants can subscribe SaaS based on their business needs and development, service charges are depends on the SaaS. Please contact our Business Development Team for details. 商戶可以按自己業務需要於KConnect平台開通軟件服務,軟件服務方案的收費各有不同,詳情請與我們的銷售顧問查詢。

For more details on KConnect, please leave your contact on the Enquiry Form. Our Business Development Team will contact you as soon as possible. 有關更多KConnect的資訊,請於查詢表格留下聯絡資料,我們的顧問團隊將會與你聯絡。

How to apply? 如何申請

Contact your Business Development Manager 聯絡你所屬的銷售經理申請