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KPay serves more than 8,000 merchants in its first year of business
創新一站式綜合支付解決方案服務供應商KPay投入市場僅一年 憑超強技術支援吸引逾8,000家中小企業商戶採用

Small and medium merchants attracted to the innovative one-stop integrated payment solution service provider thanks to its strong technical support


(Hong Kong, 16 December 2021) Established in Hong Kong at the end of 2020, fintech start-up KPay has broken the industry record among local comprehensive payment solution service providers in just one year by providing more than 8,000 local small and medium merchants with comprehensive and advanced offline payment and settlement services. With its business growing tremendously, the company has been invited to be one of the main sponsors of this year’s "Winter Wonderland" and to become the designated electronic payment provider for this large-scale event.


Smart POS terminals are widely used, allowing merchants to make smooth transactions

KPay supports a variety of payment methods, including scanning or displaying a QR Code, tapping or inserting a card, and contactless NFC. The payment services provided by KPay include terminals and settlement platforms, all of which have obtained the relevant certifications and are subject to the relevant regulatory authorities, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, EMV certification, Visa payWave, Mastercard PayPass certification and UnionPay card acceptance terminal certification, enabling merchants and consumers to complete transactions with peace of mind.


In addition, the one-stop KPay smart POS terminal can receive up to 12 major payment channels, including Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, JCB, AlipayHK, Alipay, WeChat Pay (Hong Kong and China Wallets), Cloud Quick Pass, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. It has been advancing alongside small and medium-sized merchants in the era of electronic payment, and provides a resolution to the cumbersome payment and settlement processes of the past with its professional and reliable services.


Moreover, the KPay smart POS terminal allows merchants to process transactions with a SIM card or indoor WIFI connection according to their needs. It, therefore, does not require a fixed location, so merchants can enjoy greater flexibility in their store layout and smoother payment experiences.


Business results outperform industry peers in less than a year in business

KPay currently has a broad customer base drawn from the catering, retail, medical and service industries. The company also has an accomplished and experienced customer service and sales team, providing customers with prompt and accurate local after-sales services, including installation, technical support and training, so that merchants can focus on business development and explore more business opportunities with peace of mind.


Mr. Daniel Cheung, Co-founder of KPay, said, "KPay's electronic payment service was launched into the market less than a year ago. Since then, we have attracted more than 8,000 small and medium-sized enterprises and merchants by riding on the consumption fever sparked by the consumption voucher scheme. KPay understands the needs of customers for one-stop payment solutions. With a strong and solid product and business development team and technical support, diversified payment solutions, data security and efficient transaction management, KPay ensures that its customers payment collection process is smooth and easy, allowing them to achieve profit goals more effectively."


Given its technological advantages, KPay has become one of the major sponsors of this year’s winter carnival in Hong Kong - "Winter Wonderland" (URL: winterwonderland.hk), providing electronic payment services for the merchants and game booths participating in the event, so that visitors can use credit cards or e-wallets to play games and make purchases at the venue. KPay will also distribute event tickets through its Facebook page. For details, please visit https://www.facebook.com/kpaygroup/.


Explore new markets and develop more innovative and convenient trading functions

Looking ahead, KPay will continue to focus on serving the Hong Kong market while also realizing its potential in the Asia-Pacific region. Guided by the three principles of "Pay it Easy", "Pay it Smart" and "Pay it Swift", the company will develop and launch more online payment solutions and add more innovative functions that provide greater convenience to merchants. These will include diversified SaaS products such as catering pre-orders, inventory management software and membership management systems, with the overall aim of creating a quality business environment for all industries and business sizes.


About KPay

KPay is a financial technology (fintech) company focusing on integrated business solutions. It uses professional and innovative products to enhance the market competitiveness of medium, small and micro enterprises.

KPay's business covers online and offline fintech services, including electronic payment platforms and products boasting high levels of customer loyalty. With a professional technical development team, the company strives to improve the functionality of merchants’ products based on their needs, so as to help maximize their profits. KPay keeps abreast of the market trends in various regions, and its experienced sales and after-sales teams respond quickly to provide merchants with appropriate business logistics support. Thus, medium, small and micro enterprises from all industries can realise smoother strategic operations and KPay can fulfill its vision of "building a mutually beneficial and complementary e-finance ecological environment”.

KPay Merchant Service Limited was established in July 2020 with headquarters in Hong Kong, China. It began to provide its services to the market at the beginning of 2021 and will gradually expand to major cities around the world.


For more information about KPay, please visit the Company's website: kpay-group.com

(2021年12月16日,香港訊) 金融科技初創公司KPay於2020年底在香港成立,短短約一年已打破本地綜合性支付解決方案服務供應商的行業紀錄,為逾8,000家本地中小企業商戶提供完善和先進的線下收款及結算服務,業務發展相當卓越;更獲邀為今屆「冬季奇幻國度Winter Wonderland」的主要贊助商之一,成為該項大型活動的指定電子支付服務供應商。


智能POS收款機廣泛通用 讓商戶交易支付暢通無阻

KPay支援多種收款模式,包括掃描或顯示二維碼 (QR Code)、拍卡收款、插卡收款及手機NFC感應式收款。KPay提供的收款服務包括終端機及結算平台,均取得各項相關認證及受有關監管機構約束,包括PCI DSS 支付產業數據安全標準、EMV認證、Visa payWave、Mastercard PayPass認證及銀聯卡受理終端產品認證,讓商戶及消費者均能安心交易。


此外,一站式的KPay智能POS收款機可一機收取多達12個主要支付渠道,包括Visa、Mastercard、銀聯、JCB、AlipayHK、支付寶、微信支付 (香港和中國錢包)、雲閃付、Apple Pay、Google Pay及Samsung Pay,與中小商戶於電子支付年代中與時並進,並以專業可靠的服務解決以往繁瑣的收款及結算流程。




創立不足一年 業務成績傲視同儕



KPay 聯合創辦人章小健表示:「KPay電子支付服務推出市場不足一年,藉著早前電子消費券熱潮我們在市場上迅速吸納逾8,000家中小企業商戶採用。KPay深諳客戶對一站式支付方案的需求,憑強大且紮實的產品及業務的開發團隊和技術支援、多元化支付方案、數據安全保障以及高效率的交易管理,確保客戶的收款過程輕鬆無阻,從而更有效地實現盈利目標。」


KPay更憑藉技術優勢成為今年香港冬日嘉年華—— 「冬季奇幻國度Winter Wonderland」(網址:winterwonderland.hk) 的主要贊助商之一,為場內參與活動的商戶品牌及遊戲攤位提供電子支付服務,以便到訪人士可利用信用卡或電子錢包等參與遊戲及場內消費。此外,KPay透過旗下Facebook專頁派發活動入場券,詳情請瀏覽 https://www.facebook.com/kpaygroup/


未來開拓更多新市場 研發更多創意便利交易新功能

展望未來,KPay將繼續專注服務香港市場,亦蓄勢待發於亞太地區大展拳腳;本著"Pay it Easy"、"Pay it Smart"及"Pay it Swift"三大原則,公司將研發及推出更多在線支付解決方案,及增加更多具創意且能實際便利商戶的嶄新功能,例如餐飲預購、庫存管理軟件及會員管理系統等多元化的SaaS產品,務求為各行各業締造優質的營商環境。



KPay 是一家專注於綜合商務解決方案的金融科技公司,利用專業而創新的產品為中小微企業提升市場競爭力。


KPay Merchant Service Limited成立於2020年7月,總部位於中國香港,至2021年初全面投入市場服務,並將逐步推進至全球各個主要城市。



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