Accelerating business growth 提升業務發展的夥伴
We offer total merchant solution to help a business to simplify the management process and enhance its retention, efficiency and flexibility. KPay提供全方位的商戶解決方案,幫助企業簡化管理流程並提高顧客保留、企業效率及靈活性。
Learn why more than 10,000 merchants trust KPay 超過10,000商戶選擇KPay服務
"After using KPay’s services, I feel so much relieved as I can finally free myself out of the endless humdrum work. KPay makes the daily bookkeeping work much easier as I can track the payment records and settlement details with one tap, without going through all the manual procedures. " 「使用KPay服務後,我不用再額外花時間於繁複的對賬工作。KPay 將店舖記賬工作數碼及自動化,一鍵就可以查閱交易記錄及結算細節。」
Alex Chan, Founder
Rangefinder (Camera Shop)
Alex Chan - 攝影店創辦人
Using KPay since May 2021 自從2021年5月使用KPay服務

F & B 餐飲
“With KPay’s service and KPay Merchant App, I am now able to review transaction data and analytical reports anytime at anywhere. This greatly helps me in streamlining communication with my partner for better understanding and greater efficiency.” 「我及其他的創辦人都可以隨時隨地透過KPay的手機App查閱營業數據及下載分析報告,有助我們洞悉市場趨勢,提升營運效率。」
Karen Chan, Co-founder
My.Dea by ZUC.CCH.ERO (Bar)
Karen Chan - 酒吧聯合創辦人
Using KPay since July 2021 自從2021年7月使用KPay服務

“I am now able to provide up to 14 major payments through one single device to customer, and they can pay with their preferred payments which give them more flexibility and convenience.” 「KPay的收款機可以一機接收14種的支付方式,讓我的顧客可以揀選最合適,最方便他們的付款方法,提升顧客的購物體驗。」
Michael Lo, Founder
Dejade Jewellery
Michael Lo - 珠寶店創辦人
Dejade Jewellery
Using KPay since July 2021 自從2021年7月使用KPay服務

"KPay Technical Team is professional, they offer training to us and make sure all our staff knows how to use. KPay CS Team is also easy to reach through hotline and WhatsApp!" 「KPay的支援配套完善,他們的技術團隊不但提供詳細的終端機教學,確保我們所有員工都懂得使用;客服團隊亦回應迅速,遇到任何問題都可以致電或WhatsApp查詢。」
Johnny Tse (Founder)
Tress Hair Salon
Johnny Tse - 髮型屋東主
Tress Hair Salon
Using KPay since August 2021 自從2021年8月使用KPay服務