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During the coronavirus pandemic, it is important to keep your store cleaned, but don’t forget to clean and sanitize your point of sales terminals! To avoid turning into bad hygiene hotspots, we recommend that merchants schedule regular cleaning of terminals throughout the day. Here’s how to safely clean your POS terminals.

First you need:

  • Dry cloth / lens cloth
  • Tissue
  • 75% isopropyl alcohol / general disinfecting wipes

How to clean your POS terminals?

  1. Before you begin cleaning, please make sure your terminal is turned off and disconnected from power.
  2. Sightly dampen a dry cloth with 75% isopropyl alcohol or general disinfecting wipes to wipe the exterior surfaces and display screen gently. Do not apply alcohol or cleaner directly to the terminal. Avoid getting moisture in any openings, and don't submerge your terminal in any cleaning agents or water.
  3. After cleaning, wipe the terminal with a clean dry cloth / lens cloth.

Warm reminder:

  • Avoid using abrasive cloths and excessive wiping, which might cause damage.
  • Don’t use aerosol sprays, bleaches, or abrasives to clean the terminals, and don’t spray cleaners directly onto the terminals.
  • Don't submerge your terminal in any cleaning agents or water.
  • Keep the POS terminal away from prolonged intense sunlight, heat, and humidity.

If liquid makes its way inside your POS terminal, please contact KPay Customer Service Team as soon as possible. Don't vigorously scrub or shake the terminal.



  • 眼鏡布
  • 紙巾
  • 75%消毒酒精 / 家用消毒濕巾


  1. 在清潔POS終端機前,請先確保你的POS終端機已關上電源
  2. 使用沾了75% 消毒酒精 (isopropyl alcohol) 的紙巾或一般家用消毒濕巾,輕輕擦拭POS機機身及螢幕位置,切勿將消毒酒精直接噴在POS終端機上,亦並避免於讓水份或消毒酒精滲入機身的開口或晶片位置。
  3. 完成消毒後,再用眼鏡布擦乾機身。


  • 避免使用粗糙布料,亦避免過度擦拭,否則可能造成損壞。
  • 請勿使用噴霧劑、漂白水或磨蝕清潔劑清潔POS終端機;亦避免在POS終端機上直接噴灑清潔劑或消毒酒精。
  • POS終端機忌水,切勿直接放入水中清潔。
  • 高溫可以殺菌消毒,但POS終端機忌熱,切勿把POS終端機拿到太陽下暴曬。


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