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How New Payment Technologies Enhance The Consumer Experience
[English version only] | How New Payment Technologies Enhance The Consumer Experience

[Industry News (Repost)]


The tectonic plates of commerce have shifted over the last decade. Goods and services have moved online, and we've all adopted more digital behaviors. That shift accelerated as we adjusted to the effects of the pandemic. These changes have been significant for all of us — both businesses and consumers: 97% of global business leaders claim the pandemic sped up their company’s digital transformation, and more than 50% of global consumers say they've become more digital.

And in this digital-first world, consumers expect to get what they want, when they want it — whether in store or online. As a result, the adoption of new payment technologies is rising as consumers embrace emerging payment innovations that enable greater flexibility and choice while keeping their transactions safe and secure. This renewed emphasis on experience and security is essential for business in our new competitive environment.

Our daily lives are already rife with examples. In many global cities, commuters access transportation by using a phone or smartwatch. Payment by QR code has emerged as a cleaner and more convenient alternative to cash in developing markets. In retail, we have a vivid example of how this space is evolving. Thanks to a combination of AI, biometrics and other technologies, consumers can now simply wave to pay or pick up what they want and just walk out.

Some businesses may be tempted to see these as emerging innovations and adopt a "wait and see" approach. However, these are all tried and tested technologies. The infrastructure is there, and consumers are eager to use them. The future is here — and a lack of knowledge or willingness to adapt could hurt business ambitions in the near term.


The Tools Of Change

Three of the key technologies driving this change across consumer transactions and interactions are contactless payments, biometrics and digital assets. Contactless experiences continue to grow in popularity because they're also fast and secure. Nine in 10 in-person transactions around the world occur at a merchant enabled for contactless payments. And contactless transaction values are expected to reach $2.5 trillion this year, up from $1.7 trillion in 2020.

With biometrics, we've replaced the password with the person. The technology is increasingly deployed to authenticate users as they go about their day-to-day activities, whether logging into a device, shopping online or signing into a bank account. And the public sentiment is positive: 61% of consumers are interested in biometric technologies like gait or walk assessments and fingerprint authorization. According to the results of a recent IDEMIA study, four out of five people globally are looking forward to using fingerprint technology over PIN codes during card transactions.

Right now, there's tremendous technological innovation going on in digital assets. We're seeing major corporations investing in crypto or expanding crypto services to millions of customers. In addition, 86% of central banks are actively researching the potential of their own digital currencies. However, with such growth, digital currency security is a growing concern, so ensuring the right consumer protection and regulatory compliance are in place will be vital.

To engender trust in these technologies, we must ensure that innovation never outpaces trust. This means building security and privacy protections into solutions from the start — not as an afterthought. In short, deploying capabilities across AI, biometrics and digital assets that work together like an invisible shield behind the scenes is vital if we're to truly embrace digital innovation without compromising privacy and protection, and if we're to actively meet the challenge of increasingly sophisticated and well-funded hackers and fraudsters.


Mapping The Future

Whether we look back on the formation of the digital economy as the creation of a brave new world or the reskinning of an existing one — revolution or evolution — we won't know for some time. What we do know is that those who are creating the infrastructure and core components of the digital ecosystem must prepare and equip the consumer with a roadmap for this unfamiliar territory.

Although the ground may be moving beneath us, the true north we must maintain is trust. To foster faith in a digital economy that works for everyone, we must strive to ensure that whatever payment choice the consumer makes, it's convenient, safe and secure, now and in the years to come.


Source: Forbes

Please refer to English version. 

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